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Pipe Dream | Definition of Pipe Dream by Merriam-Webster

Definition of pipe dream. : an illusory or fantastic plan, hope, or story..

'Pipe dream' - meaning and origin. - Phrasefinder

The phrase 'pipe dream' is an allusion to the dreams experienced by smokers of opium pipes. Opiates were widely used by the English literati in the 18th and 19th centuries. Samuel Taylor Coleridge was one of the best known users, and it would be difficult to claim that the imagery in surreal works like Kubla Khan owed nothing to opium..

Pipe Dreams (2019) - IMDb

Pipe Dreams follows five young organists as they compete in Canada's prestigious International Organ Competition (CIOC). Who will master the 'king of instruments' and come out victorious in Montreal? For Yuan Shen, the daughter of China's most famous organist, coming in second place is not an option..

Pipe dream - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

pipe dream. A fantastic notion or vain hope, as in I'd love to have one home in the mountains and another at the seashore, but that's just a pipe dream . Alluding to the fantasies induced by smoking an opium pipe, this term has been used more loosely since the late 1800s. See also: dream, pipe..

Pipe Dreams (1976) - IMDb

Pipe Dreams is a 1976 film starring soul singer Gladys Knight in her acting debut as a woman who attempts to regain the love of her husband played by real-life spouse Barry Hankerson. In this drama, her husband must choose between reuniting with her or giving in to pressure of the local boss. Plot Summary | Add Synopsis.

PIPE DREAMS | Talented Young Pipe Organists Compete | PBS

Pipe Dreams, a documentary feature about competitive organ players was broadcast on the Documentary Channel in 2019 and will air on Independent Lens. She is in development on Scrap, a character ....


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