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Bastard | Definition of Bastard by Merriam-Webster

2 : something that is spurious (see spurious sense 3a), irregular, inferior, or of questionable origin The … residence is a bastard of the architectural era which followed the building of the Imperial Hotel ….

Bastard | Definition of Bastard at

noun a person born of unmarried parents; an illegitimate child..

Bastard - definition of bastard by The Free Dictionary

A person, especially one considered to be unfortunate: "crumbling shacks where some poor bastard had tried to raise a family" (Tom Clancy). 3. Something that is of irregular, inferior, or dubious origin..

Bastard definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary

A bastard is a person whose parents were not married to each other at the time that he or she was born..

bastard - Wiktionary

A sword that is midway in length between a short-sword and a long sword; also bastard sword. An inferior quality of soft brown sugar, obtained from syrups that have been boiled several times. A large mould for straining sugar. A writing paper of a particular size..

Urban Dictionary: bastard

Bastard A term used to describe someone who disregards other people in pursuit of their own self-interest. Usually includes the acts or act of lying, spreading mis-information, covering one's own ass at the expense of others, or employing other forms of bullshitting..



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