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Outlaw | Definition of Outlaw by Merriam-Webster

Noun Billy the Kid was one of the most famous outlaws of America's early history. Verb That type of gun was outlawed last year..

Outlaw - definition of outlaw by The Free Dictionary

Word History: The word outlaw brings to mind the cattle rustlers and gunslingers of the Wild West, but it comes to us from a much earlier time, when guns were not yet invented but cattle stealing was. Outlaw can be traced back to the Old Norse word ūtlagr, "outlawed, banished," made up of ūt, "out," and lög, "law.".

Outlaw - Wikipedia

In English common law, an outlaw was a person who had defied the laws of the realm, by such acts as ignoring a summons to court, or fleeing instead of appearing to plead when charged with a crime. The earliest reference to outlawry in English legal texts appears in the 8th century..

Outlaw | Definition of Outlaw at Dictionary.com

a lawless person or habitual criminal, especially one who is a fugitive from the law. a person, group, or thing excluded from the benefits and protection of the law. a person under sentence of outlawry. verb (used with object).

Outlaw (2016) - IMDb

Directed by Tyler Shields. With Tyler Shields, Ana Mulvoy Ten, Logan Huffman, Connor Paolo. When a famous photographer catches his girlfriend cheating with his best friend, he must choose between compassion and unadulterated rage in order to find out the truth behind his witnessed betrayal..

Outlaw Synonyms, Outlaw Antonyms | Merriam-Webster Thesaurus

9 synonyms of outlaw from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 47 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Find another word for outlaw. Outlaw: to make or declare contrary to the law..



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